WOD: Wednesday 210630

Dang Bonds, you got a license to be carrying around those guns?

Dang Bonds, you got a license to be carrying around those guns?


- Metcon: Our conditioning work today is a series of descending Runs with a set of KB Swings that remain constant each round, followed by a rest. Press through your heels on the KB swings to keep the posterior chain engaged and keep your 400 Meter splits consistent for the duration of the whole workout.


1 Mile Run
30 Kettlebell Swings - 53/35
Rest 2:00
800 Meter Run
30 KBS
Rest 2:00
400 Meter Run
30 KBS
- Goal: Repeatable/sustainable pace - break KBS in sets of 10-15 reps. Pace your runs accordingly.

L2: (44/26)
L1: (26/20)


3 x 10. Rest 60s.

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