WOD: Wednesday 210825
Sick action shot Terri!
- We are working today on overloading our pressing. We are specifically working on overhead absolute strength with the push press, getting up into the range of 82+% for 3 reps. We should expect athletes to be able to hit somewhere around 85%, but let them feel that out and hit something that is strong while not compromising position.
For the conditioning piece, we are hitting a heavy dose of muscular stamina work with JT. This is one of those workouts where all of a sudden you just can't do one more push-up. Let athletes know to pace early and hit quick small sets with short rest periods.
-Scaling Notes
Today we need to focus on what way can we still overload pressing motions without compromising the shoulder joint. We need to be sure that athletes are ready for this amount of volume, and if they aren't do not be afraid to scale to 15-12-9. To scale movements, lets move to a DB Push Press for the Barbell Push Press, for the bodyweight movements we can move the handstand pushup to a pike handstand push-up, the dip to a chair or bench dip, and for the push-up, just adjust it so we have a band across the belly and creating a little bit of a spotter to take weight off the body.
Push Press 7-7-5-5-3
Push Press for load: as Every 2:30, 5 Sets
#1: 7 reps @ 70%
#2: 7 reps @ 70%
#3: 5 reps @ 75%
#4: 5 reps @ 77+%
#5: 3 reps @ 82+%
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Time Cap: 15:00
Accessory Work
3 Sets, for Quality
20 Banded Face Pulls
15 Side Lying DB Shoulder External Rotation
1:00 weighted plank
:30/:30 side plank