WOD: Wednesday 211103

Another OG member, Dr. Laura. It has been great to see your name up on the board recently. Hope to see you for Bench Day, Best Day.

Coaching Notes:

We are hitting the bench today at percentages that will allow recovery while still keeping things fresh and ready to go up in percentages in the coming weeks. On the conditioning piece, we are looking at a very simple triplet with rowing, power cleans, and wall walks. The goal here with this workout is a steady flow, working on keeping the rower at around 75-80% intensity, then working into quick singles on power cleans, and then smooth movement through the wall walks. The power cleans are at a weight that is challenging enough to slow down athletes, but light enough to really work on quality movement. Focus on a great set-up on each power clean and stay over the bar. For wall walks, work on straight arms and big movements to the wall while keeping midline tight and a hollow position with face to the wall, toes on wall and belly tight.

Points of Performance:

-Bench Press: Utilizing the mid back to brace and create tension, smooth bar movement, and speed off the chest. Feet should remain in contact with the ground.

-Row: Straight chain path, and utilizing the full length of the stroke as arms, body, then legs on the say in on the recovery phase, and legs, body, arms on the drive phase.

-Power Cleans: Hip Extension and correct catch position with feet in optimal landing stance and elbows high with barbell on shoulders.

-Wall Walks: Midline stabilization and strong, straight arms.

Scaling Considerations:

For bench press today we need to consider various issues with the shoulder. Many can be solved by moving to a floor press or db bench press as that will mitigate a lot of issues dealing with shoulder impingement. After that consider the opposite range of motion and going to a barbell row. For the power cleans, lets move to hang power cleans, then hang power cleans, and for the wall walks, just have athletes place hands on ground then move feet up wall with out moving hands and pause 1sec at top. This will get them more comfortable with the idea of going upside down.

Strength: Bench Press :

1x3 at 70% 1RM Bench Press

1x3 at 70% 1RM Bench Press

1x3 at 70% 1RM Bench Press

1x3 at 75% 1RM

Rest as needed between sets.


15 min AMRAP of:

23/18 Row Calories

10 Power Cleans,

155/105 lbs

5 Wall Walks


3 rounds for quality of:

15 Feet Elevated Parallette Push-ups

12 Glute Ham Raises Weighted

Sorenson Hold, pick load, 30 secs

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