WOD: Wednesday 220216

Good to see your name more often on the board Jenna. Keep that consistency up!

• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues

-Clean & Jerk Complex: We are working the hang position today for this complex to focus on speed through the middle and a quality catch position in the front rack. We want to focus on a strong punch out and quality landing position with the feet for both the push jerk and the split jerk. We added a pause in the split jerk to really reinforce that catch.

-Dumbbell Bench Press: The big coaching eye thing we want to look for today is similar to what we would see in a squat. We want to have uniform movement throughout the movement and no wobble during the concentric or eccentric phases.

-Double Unders: Eyes forward, out, and down at target 4 ft out in front with elbows by sands and spinning by flicking the wrist.


• Scaling Considerations

-Clean & Jerk Complex: This is actually a great complex for beginners to do as it works positions and stays light. If the barbell is an issue, just scale to dumbbells today to keep consistency of time under tension and power/speed development.

-Dumbbell Bench Press: Scale the loading first. If any athletes have shoulder impingement, we should go to a floor press modification to shorten the range of motion and focus on utilizing the mid-back and posterior delt.

Every 1:30 for 9 mins:

1x [ 3 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Pause Split Jerk ], pick load

Pause Split Jerk- 3 secs in catch

60% 1RM Clean & Jerk

“The Bells”

5 rounds, 1:30 each, for max reps of:

15 Dumbbell Bench Press, 50/35 lbs

10 Burpees max reps in remaining time

Double Unders

Rest 1:30 between each round.


4 rounds, 20 secs per station, for max reps/time of:

Feet Elevated Parallette Push-up

Rest 10 secs

Feet Elevated Ring Row

Rest 10 secs

Behind-the-Neck Strict Press, 45/35 lbs

Rest 10 secs

Chin Over Bar Hold

Rest 10 secs

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