WOD: Wednesday 220316
Don’t worry Rachel, I made sure Jeff worked very hard during the last Open workout.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Squat Cleans: Work on staying controlled and smooth off the floor, point the knuckles down and keep the bar close. Create a fast turnover and receive that bar with a strong front rack position.
• Scaling Considerations
-Squat Cleans: Initially moving to a hang position would be the best bet. After that we can move to a hang power clean + front squat combo to create a good movement for newer athletes to develop.
Weightlifting: Squat Clean
Complete on a 20 min clock as 3 waves of:
3 Squat Cleans, 70% 1RM
Rest 45 secs
3 Squat Cleans, 75% 1RM
Rest 45 secs
2 Squat Cleans, 80% 1RM
Rest 1 min
1 Squat Clean, 82+% 1RM
Rest 2 mins between waves.
"Catch Me if You Can"
For time:
50/40 Bike Calories
30 Burpees-to-Target, 6 in
Time domain: 3-5 mins
Time cap: 8 mins
3 rounds of:
1 set at 50% of max Inverted Rows
10 Dumbbell Upright Rows, pick load
8 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flies, pick load
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls, pick load
Dead Hang, 30 secs