WOD: Wednesday 220601
Hopefully you are all recovered from Mruph. Good job to everyone who participated and to those who experienced Murph for the first time.
• Points of Performance & Coaching Cues
-Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts: Look for anti-rotation here and do not let the athletes twist as they move into this movement. Body should move as one connecting the torso and the trailing leg with the standing leg having a soft knee while engaging the glute and hamstrings.
-Deadlifts: Keep the bar close and have the hips and torso rise at the same time during the deadlift. We also want them to descend in a similar fashion by keeping tension against the barbell rather than letting the barbell pull you down to the floor.
• Scaling Considerations
-Deadlifts: The main consideration would be the deadlift today and with this we want to still develop the posterior chain, but just change the position enough to allow for a pain free movement. The best way to do this would be to move to a sumo deadlift or hex bar deadlift or even dual dumbbell Romanian deadlifts.
Every 1 min for 9 mins, alternating between:
6 L/6 R Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
10 Seated Dumbbell Strict Press, pick load
Reverse Sled Drag, pick load, 100 ft
"I Don't Want Your Life!"
6 rounds, 1 min each, for max reps of:
10 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs
Max reps in remaining time Air Bike Calories
Rest 1 min between each round.
4 rounds for quality of:
12 Glute Ham Raises
Sorenson Hold, 1 min
6 L/6 R Half Kneeling Kettlebell Rotational Lifts, pick load