WOD: Wednesday 220803

Remember to be excellent to each other!

• Daily Focus

The focus today is definitely on the snatch and reinforcing good form at loads that we know we can hit well that are also at a weight that gives great feedback if we are out of position. When loads are too high we sometimes need to make compensations, when weights are too low they don’t give as much feedback when we do make those compensations, so finding loads that hit in that 70-80% 1RM are a great sweet spot for dialing in form the week before retesting our max. The conditioning piece today is focused on barbell cycling and conditioning with some added leg fatigue with the combination of the wall ball. With 75 reps of each here today, we will see those quads light up a bit on the last few rounds.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Snatches: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up, stay patient on the first pull off the floor and then accelerate through the hips before catching with a firm punch. As much as it may seem counterintuitive, staying over the bar longer will allow the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.

–Scale: For the snatch today we can lower the weight, go to the hang position and just work on really quality positions. If the athlete has some issues with the barbell, we can move to an American kettlebell swings or alternating dumbbell snatch.

Power Snatches: We want to work on barbell cycling patterns here and keeping the barbell close while also keeping the chest tall as we move to the floor. For the hang position we want to keep the same idea but work the barbell only to the knee then back through the hip before coming overhead.

-Scale: Go to hang power snatches and or lighten the load. We could also go to American kettlebell swings or alternating dumbbell snatches for those that are limited with a barbell in their hands.

Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball.

-Scale: For wall balls, let's first reduce the weight, second reduce the height of the target, and third we can move to a light goblet squat or air squats. If someone has knee issues then sub out light dumbbell push press or strict press.

Weightlifting: Snatch, EMOM

1 Snatch

Loads at 70-80% 1RM (no higher than 80% 1RM).

MetCon: "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure"

25-20-15-10-5 reps, for time of:

Power Snatch, 75/55 lbs

Wall Ball, 20/14 lbs


6 rounds for quality of:

2 Snatch High Pulls, pick load

3 Seated High Box Jumps

6 Band Assisted Glute Ham Raises

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