WOD: Wednesday 221019
Grace? I’ve heard of her. I think she owes me like 20 bucks.
• Daily Focus
Today the focus is on the clean and jerk. Both with the 1RM clean and jerk as well as barbell conditioning with Grace. This workout is a good one to bring around at least once a year to test where we are at with basic barbell cycling and test ourselves. The goal should be to finish as close to 3 mins as possible. This means that for those who can hit the workout comfortably under 3 mins we should increase weight and for those that will take longer than 5 mins we should consider reducing the loads to create a more appropriate workout.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Clean & Jerks: Set-up with eyes forward, pulling body to the bar. Brace and breath before pulling smooth off the floor and then fast through the hips. Catch with fast elbows and a quality front rack position with the barbell firmly across the shoulders. Adjust hands, settle and breath, before tightening down and working for a good dip drive and punch into the split jerk. Recover front foot back, then back foot front.
–Scale: We would like athletes to hit good positions and work on the technique with the barbell here. For new athletes, pulling off the floor from the get-go is not the ideal place to start. Let’s move to a complex here of hang power clean + front squat + jerk. Keep loads light and go for the same rep scheme as the athletes doing the full clean and jerk. This will give some more time to practice the movement.
Seated High Box Jump, pick height : 8x3
Every 2 mins for 16 mins.
1 Clean & Jerk, pick load
Start at 60% 1RM and increase to a max.
MetCon: "Grace"
For time: 30 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs
Time domain: 2-5 mins
Time cap: 7 mins
4 rounds of:
10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Z Press, pick load
10 L/10 R Side Lying Lateral Powell Raises, pick load
Max effort L-Sit