WOD: Wednesday 221109
Some Snatches for you to help get you through the rest of the week!
• Daily Focus
The focus today is on the snatch. We are now taking things to the hang and low hang positions for the squat snatch. The goal today is speed through the middle and quickness under the bar with a firm punch and lockout on the bar. The loads should still be at a manageable weight that allows for technical proficiency and speed on the bar. We will then move into a fun couplet of alternating dumbbell snatches + wall balls. Here we are looking to tackle a heavier weight than typically proscribed. This will challenge different form and technique so be sure to go over today.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Hang Snatches: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up at the knee, then accelerate through the hips working on a vertical drive on the bar before pull under the bar fast and catch with a firm punch. This will reinforce staying over the bar longer allowing the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
–Scale: If the athlete has some issues with the barbell, we can move to an American kettlebell swing or alternating dumbbell snatch.
Low Hang Snatches: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up below the knee. Push the knees back and let the hips and torso rise together past the knees, then accelerate through the hips working on a vertical drive on the bar. Pull under the bar fast and catch with a firm punch. This will reinforce staying over the bar longer allowing the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
–Scale: If the athlete has some issues with the barbell, we can move to an American kettlebell swing or alternating dumbbell snatch.
Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: Keep the dumbbell close to the body on the way up as well as on the way down. Switching either above your head or on the way down will limit excess stress on the lower back as we can keep better tension at the floor if we are switching there and unloading before hitting our next rep.
-Scale: Move to a hang alternating dumbbell snatch and lighten the load today or we can move to a Russian kettlebell swing if the shoulders are acting up.
Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball.
-Scale: Let's first reduce the weight, second reduce the height of the target, and third we can move to a light goblet squat or air squats. If someone has knee issues then sub out light dumbbell push press or strict press.
Every 1:30 for 12 mins.
1x [ 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Low Hang Squat Snatch ], pick load
Set 1-2: 65% 1RM
Set 3-5: 70% 1RM
Set 6-8: 75% 1RM
MetCon: "Smalls"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 70/50 lbs
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 11 ft
4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 70/50 lbs
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 11 ft
6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 70/50 lbs
10 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 11 ft ...
Continue adding 2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch reps each round until time expires.
4 rounds for quality of:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press, pick load
Half Kneeling Pallof Press Hold, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
10x [ 1 Dumbbell Front Shoulder Raise + 1 Dumbbell Lateral Shoulder Raise ], pick load