WOD: Wednesday 221130

• Daily Focus

The goal today is to work on high capacity movements and learning to pace throughout the 20 min EMOM. We have built in a rest station here to allow athletes to work on hitting sustainable numbers from round to round. The workout will have a Fight Gone Bad feel to it and each movement should build intensity across the 3 mins before the rest station. By the time athletes get to the wall balls their arms will be cookin’ so this will be a good mental challenge to hang onto the wall balls for the 1 min. We will then get into a fun bodybuilding finisher that is centered around unilateral leg strength and upper body hypertrophic pulling work.


• Gymnastics

Spend 10 mins going over progressions and movement prep for chest-to-bar pull-ups, both butterfly and kipping.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Burpees-to-Target: We are planning on using a bar on the rig today as the target. Keep your hands in the same spot so that you can jump directly back to your hands and then jump right back up to the bar.

Scale: Sub out to traditional burpees, or no push-up burpees, or even no push-up + no jump burpees for those with issues on the excessive flexion extension the burpee creates.

Chest-to-bar Pull-ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being rhythmic and relaxed throughout.

-Scale: We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub. We could also go to a jumping chest-to-bar pull-up to teach the pull to the chest at the top of the movement.

Wall Balls: Elbows should stay in front of the body and hip crease needs to pass below parallel. Focus on a good dynamic drive with tension out of the hole as we release the ball.

-Scale: For wall balls, let's first reduce the weight, second reduce the height of the target, and third we can move to a light goblet squat or air squats. If someone has knee issues then sub out light dumbbell push press or strict press.

metCon: "Smooth"

5 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:


Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Wall Ball, 20/14 lb

Rest 1 min

Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.


4 rounds for quality of:

16 Alternating Dumbbell Reverse Lunges, pick load

Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs

10 Feet Elevated Ring Rows

15 Dumbbell Bicep Curls, pick load

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