WOD: Wednesday 230118

Wall balls, just for you Ramsey. You’re favorite!

• Daily Focus

We have a fun one today with a very Open style workout. The goal today will be to tackle a little push-pull strength work before getting into "Space Oddity" with a challenging 14 min AMRAP of wall walks + pull-ups + double unders. The goal is to learn how to hit some big sets on the pull-ups while remaining consistent on the wall walks even as they are increasing in reps across. The bench is heavy today and we would like to see athletes get up and touch a new 5RM for the day. Between sets they will hit 3 weighted pull-ups and see if we can get a 3RM there for the day as well.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Bench Press: Engage the lats and mid back by focusing on breaking the bar and pulling the bar down to you. The bench press should be initiated through the shoulders and mid back and rather than just focusing on the chest/pecs being the primary mover.

-Scale: Sub a floor press, dumbbell bench press, or tall kneeling double landmine press, in order to work on a horizontal pressing motion that is more adaptable for those with shoulder mobility issues.

Strict Pull-ups: We should see the pull-up initiated by the lats and the movement of the shoulder blades, rather than movement starting at the elbow.

-Scale: Strict banded pull-up or toenail spot pull-up.

Wall Walks: Move with straight arms and work to maintain a strong midline by tucking the pelvis, while pressing the chest through the arms as we move to the wall.

-Scale: The focus here is stability on the hands and through the midline. We can sub in a box wall walk or just not go as high up the wall and as inverted in the wall walk.

Double Unders: Eyes forward and down with gaze out 4 ft in front of you. Keep the hands at the pockets and focus on flicking the wrist twice to create the double under.

Pull-ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being rhythmic and relaxed throughout.

-Scale: We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub.


Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5, using heaviest weight per set

Weighted Strict Pull-up 3-3-3-3-3, using heaviest weight per set

Every 3 mins for 15 mins do: 5 Bench Press- 80+% 1RM 3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups- max load.

Scale the weighted pull-ups to a challenging set of 3 banded strict pull-ups with lightest band you can.

Metcon: "Space Oddity"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 14 mins of:

3 Wall Walks

20 Pull-ups

60 Double Unders

5 Wall Walks

20 Pull-ups

60 Double Unders

7 Wall Walks

20 Pull-ups

60 Double Unders ...

Continue adding 2 Wall Walk reps each round until time expires.


For quality, 4 rounds of:

Ring Support Hold, 15 secs

Rest 15 secs

5 Strict Ring Dips

-- then --

4 rounds of:

12 Ring Reverse Delt Flies

Hand Over Hand Sled Pull, pick load, 100 ft

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