WOD: Wednesday 231101

Hey, what’s this November thing all about???

• Coaching Notes

The primary focus on the day today is on the posterior chain and learning how to brace the midline and keep tension through the entire concentric and eccentric phases of this lift. We will start the day off with just a nice 3 sets on the Deadlift at a 3030 tempo, which means that we will be moving for 3 seconds on the way up and 3 seconds on the way down on every rep with no pause at either the top of bottom of the lift. We will then strip the barbell down and talk through Power Clean technique and efficiency for both TnG reps as well as what we want to see for quick singles. Have athletes load up and find a weight they can maintain for quick singles across today and maybe some tng reps to start each set. For the Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups we want to talk to athletes about adjusting how close they are to the wall as the primary scale and this should be done to maintain a neutral spine and hollow body pressing position. Utilizing a Box Piked HSPU is a great alternative today.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Power Clean: Keep chest tall on the set-up of each Clean. The barbell should stay close and come up with the body working into full extension before pulling underneath into the power position. Really work to hit that good quality triple extension before pulling into a quality quarter squat position. Sub Hang Power Cleans or Dual DB Hang Power Cleans today in order to keep quality movement patterns and stimulus.

-Wall Facing Handstand Push-Ups: Keep the belly tight and maintain a hollow to neutral midline position as we press through the ground and drive the chest through the shoulders. Hands should be within 8 inches of the wall for the movement to be considered RX. Scale to Seated Dual DB Strict Press or Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups.

strength: tempo deadlifts

Every 3 mins for 9 mins.

8 Tempo Deadlifts, pick load, 3030 Tempo

Starting @ 55% of your 1rm and increasing the load each set. The prescribed tempo for these reps today is 3 Seconds Up, No Pause at the top, 3 Seconds Down, No Rest at the bottom before transitioning into the consecutive rep

metcon: "Chucky"

As many reps as possible in 8 mins of:

2 Power Cleans, 185/125 lbs

2 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

4 Power Cleans, 185/125 lbs

4 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

6 Power Cleans, 185/125 lbs

6 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups ...

Continue adding 2 reps each round to each movement until time expires.

accessories part a:

Barbell Bent Over Row 10-10-10-10

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.

Rest as needed between sets.

Accessories Part B:

5 rounds for quality of: Wall Handstand Hold, 30 secs Rest 30 secs Ring Support Hold, 30 secs

WOD Postalex burgyWOD