WOD: Wednesday 231115

woman dumbbell bench press

Chest Day. Best Day.

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into an upper body strength stamina and skill day today with some strength work on the Tempo Bench Press, before moving to get inverted with some Handstand Walk Skills and Drills, before moving into the workout with a tough combo of Handstand Walk / or Wall Walks, DB Thrusters, and Strict Pull-Ups. The goal today is to spend some time talking over different scales and drills that can help develop the Handstand Walk, so scaling today can be more intricate with walk around the box, shoulder taps, walk to the wall, etc. As always Wall Walks are a great choose for keeping it simple and developing capacity for straight arm strength (assuming athletes work on straight arms).


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Handstand Walk: More straight arm strength work here and working on the body line and pressing through the floor as we move. We can scale to Handstand Walk to Wall, Lateral Handstand Walks along the Wall, or Wall Walk + Shoulder Taps.

-Dumbbell Thruster: We want to see the dumbbells in a good front rack position with the elbows out and in front of the body and one head of each DB resting on the shoulders. Work to keep vertical out of the squat and drive forcefully through the ground to create a strong vertical drive on the DB’s. Finish with locked out arms and biceps by ears. We can scale the load here as the primary scale, or go to DB Front Squats or DB Push Press, depending on whether the athlete has issues with either overhead movements or squatting movements.

-Strict Pull-Ups: We should see the pull-up initiated by the lats and the movement of the shoulder blades, rather than movement starting at the elbow. Scale to strict banded pull-up or toenail spot pull-up.

strength: 5rm bench

Take 10 mins to work up to a 5RM.

Metcon: "Head Over Heels"

4 rounds for time of:

Handstand Walk, 50 ft

12 Dumbbell Thrusters, 50/35 lbs

9/7 Strict Pull-ups Rest 1 min

Goal: 13:00-15:00 minutes

Time Cap: 16:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Consistent times across all sets

Secondary Objective: Unbroken DB Thrusters


5 rounds for max hold of:

8 L/8 R Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load

10 Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load

Max hold Freestanding Handstand Hold

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