WOD: Wednesday 240103
Time to work off all of those well deserved Christmas cookies.
• Coaching Notes
Today’s workout is centered around a long chipper with the primary focus being muscular stamina and endurance with the goal of tackling the workout in under 20:00 minutes. This will present a big challenge and a lot of athletes will really feel this one on the back half as the fatigue sets in. The goal from a coaching standpoint today is to spend some specific time talking through GHD points of performance and specific key efficiency points for the Wall Walk. We can really make up a lot of time today if we spend more time talking through efficiency than effort. The effort should really be put into the Run and Box Jumps, whereas we can learn to catch our breath a bit and work to stay as efficient as possible on the midline focused movements. Our warm-up should be a targeted 10:00-12:00 minute segment to allow for key coaching points and 25:00 minutes to tackle the chipper workout today.
metcon: "Fifty and Flirty"
For time:
Run, 500 m
50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
50 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Wall Walks
50 V-Ups
50 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Run, 500 m
Goal: 15:00-20:00 minutes
Time Cap: 25 minutes
3 rounds for quality of:
10 Barbell Calf Raises, pick load
10 Alternating Plank Knee to Elbows
Side Plank, L 20 secs/R 20 secs