WOD: Wednesday 240703

woman bike calories

• Coaching Notes

We have a long one today with the workout Steady Eddy. The goal is to maintain a pace on each round that is sustainable for the entire 3 sets here. It is worth noting here today that this is a little different style of a workout with a rest minute within each round and after each round. This will mean that the athletes will run and then get into a lunge before resting a minute, then get into the Echo Bike at a hard challenging pace before jumping up to a challenging set of Toe to Bar.

The expectation with this style workout is to be able to complete whatever Toe to Bar scale you have in 4 sets or less and complete the lunge as close to unbroken as possible. Scale athletes and adjust movements to keep athletes at around 10:00 of moving time per set.

metcon: "Steady Eddy"

3 rounds for time of:

Run, 800 m

Dumbbell Farmers Lunge, 50/35 lbs, 60 ft

Rest 1 min

42/30 Bike Calories

20 Toes-to-bars

Rest 1 min

Goal: 25:00-32:00

Time Cap: 38:00


5 rounds for quality of:

10 Reverse Nordic Curls

Copenhagen Plank, 15 secs

GHD Supine Hold, 20 secs

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