WOD: Wednesday 240710

woman barbell front rack lunge

• Coaching Notes

The focus today will be on leg strength and stamina with a little added work for upper body pressing gymnastics with the emphasis on the Front Squat to start the day. We are getting into a progression that is exactly the same as what we hit week 1 here except instead of a 2 sec pause we are now going to a 1 sec pause which will allow a progression in load as the time under tension is less. This will reinforce even greater loading of the Front Squat in the drop sets as we are also working in the same loading and drop set guidelines we hit week one.

We will need to spend some time here going over the barbell cycling component and work here in the 11:00 AMRAP with the emphasis on the change from the Deadlift to the Front Squat. We also need to be sure to go over scaling mods and movement accommodations for the Strict Handstand Push-Up. Ideally athletes are choosing a modification that allows them to move through 5+ reps at a time unbroken.

Strength part a

Pause Front Squat 1x1

strength Part B

Front Squat 3-5

Set of 3: 85-90% of heavy from Strength A

Set of 5: 80% of heavy from Strength A

metcon: "Rolling Thunder"

As many reps as possible in 11 mins of:

13 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs

8 Front Rack Lunges, 155/105 lbs

5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

13 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs

8 Front Rack Lunges, 155/105 lbs

7 Strict Handstand Push-ups

13 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs

8 Front Rack Lunges, 155/105 lbs

9 Strict Handstand Push-ups ...

Continue adding 2 Strict Handstand Push-up reps each round until time expires.


3 rounds for quality of:

8 L/8 R Cossack Squats

15 Weighted Hip Extensions, pick load

15 Deficit Push-ups

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