WOD: Wednesday 240717

• Coaching Notes

Simple often means nasty. That should almost be the name of this workout as we are getting into about as simple a day as it gets, but it will pack a punch. Initially we are building our Squat Cleans into a heavy single for the day with the goal of ending at or around 95%.

The focus here today is the pull from the floor to the top of the knee, keeping the hips and torso rising together while staying over the bar in order to develop a great launch position prior to engaging in the second to third pull. Work to develop a good catch position in the front rack and bottom position of the front squat.

We will then get into an EMOM couplet of Toe to Bar and Rowing. The goal here is to develop better movement mechanics and muscular stamina in the Toe to Bar while increasing our ability to hold challenging paces on the rower with building fatigue. A special note that this workout both starts and ends on the rower, which means that we will need to start athletes on a 1:00 delay in order to facilitate better class management. If it's needed to add a 3rd station, you can add a rest station and we would just have athletes start on the Toe to Bar, then go to minute 2 as the Row, and minute 3 as the rest minute. This would mean that we just up the intensity a bit on the rower, but allows for a bigger class structure when needed. Alternatively we could add in 2 more stations and have alternating machines with the 15 toe to bar to allow for more athletes to be worked into the mix.

strength: Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1

10:00 EMOM

Sets 1-5: 2 Reps @ 70-80%

Sets 6-10: 1 Rep @ 83%+

metcon: "Earth and Water"

Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between

Max rep Row Calories

15 Toes-to-bars


4 rounds for quality of:

4 Eccentric Clean Pulls, pick load

3 Broad Jumps

WOD Postalex burgyWOD