WOD: Wednesday 241211
40 minutes of fun today!
• Coaching Notes
Alright, here it is... the 40:00 EMOM. We will start here and keep adjusting and playing with the 40:00 EMOM work over the course of this cycle with about 3 pieces like this in every 5 week segment. This will give our athletes time to adjust, change their mindset around it and really develop better overall capacity and muscular endurance. Each movement here by itself should not provide a huge challenge, however the combination and volume accumulation over the course of this will provide a significant stimulus for the day.
metcon: "Mount Mumandad"
Every 1 min for 40 mins, alternating between:
15/12 Bike Calories
3 Wall Walks
16 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatches, 50/35 lbs
13/10 Ski Erg Calories
16 GHD Sit-ups
4 rounds for quality of:
Side Ring Plank, L 30 secs/R 30 secs
Forearm Plank Hold, pick load, 1 min
Rest 1 min