WOD: Wednesday 250219
Time to see what you’re made of, again.
• Coaching Notes
We are starting off the day with a fun upper body press strength test with our 10RM Bench Press. We will give athletes 10 minutes to establish the 10 rep max as it should take less time than the Back Squat yesterday and we have a little longer time domain for the conditioning piece today. We are however mixing in some specific prep work for the strength conditioning piece in the lead-up for the Bench Press. A note that some athletes like to just start hitting things on their own so be sure to talk athletes through how the warmup will go in order to preemptively get them in the right mindset as to how the day will flow. The workout will be a fun mix with the emphasis on total body strength and stability in the range of 3 on / 1 off for the time domain and work to rest ratio.
strength: 10 rm bench press
Take 10 minutes to Establish a 10 Rep Max.
metcon: "Event Horizon"
4 rounds, each round for time, of:
20 GHD Sit-ups
15/10 Ring Dips
15 Dual Kettlebell Deadlifts, 53/35 lbs
Kettlebell Farmer Carry, 53/35 lbs, 100 ft
Go every 4 mins.
5 rounds for quality of:
10 Ring Bicep Curls
10 Ring Skull Crushers