WOD: Friday 210122
- Strength: Culminating our Dynamic Effort work today with a 1RM Shoulder Press. The last three weeks of work should enable you to hit a 5-10lb PR, but be smart about your jumps.
- Metcon: Variation of the "Greenhouse" workout we did on 11/06, with Power Snatches instead of Push Press. The goal is to keep a sustainable pace, so break Pull-ups/Power Snatches into 2 sets with the goal of being efficient with each. Record all your splits for your notes.
Build to 1RM. Rest 2:00
- Sets of 5,4,3,2,1,1,1....
- 3-4 reps over 90%
- Plan weight jumps strategically
Every 5:00 x 4 Sets
400 Meter Run
9 Power Snatches (115, 75)
12 Pull-ups
*Score = split from set #3
Rx+: (135, 95) (C2B Pull-ups)
L3: (95, 65) (8 Pull-ups per round)
L2: (75, 55) (8 Pull-ups per round)
L1: (12 alt DB Snatch 30, 20) (12 Band or Ring Assisted Pull-ups per round)
*Alternatives for run:
500 Meter Row, 400 Meter Ski, 1200m Bike
3 x 20. Rest 60s.