WOD: Friday 210514

It’s finally Friday! Time to dust off your favorite pair of Jorts for Jorts Friday!

It’s finally Friday! Time to dust off your favorite pair of Jorts for Jorts Friday!

Whiteboard Brief

- Strength: Classic push-pull superset on deck for today. Neutral grip on the Bench Press, don't worry too much about the degree of the incline. Even a small elevation will change the pressing angle and improve scapulohumeral rhythm, however, you'll want enough of an incline that you can perform the Chest supported Rows easily as well. The tempo should make you sweat.
- Metcon: All bodyweight today, 10 mins of "Strict Cindy" in preparation for Murph. Try to complete a round every 60-90s and stay consistent and focus on t3he mechanics of your movement, particularly on the Push-ups and the Air Squats.

A1) Neutral SA Incline DB Bench Press

1/3 x 8-10 each. 3s down. Rest 30s.

A2) SA Chest Supported Row (20:00-40:00)

1/3 x 8-10 each. 3s down. Rest 30s.

1/2 "Strict Cindy"

5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
- Goal: Challenging effort, look to complete a round every 60-90s. Alternate between pull-ups & chin-ups today.

Rx+: (Weight Vest)
L2: (Assisted Ring Pull-ups)
L1: (Assisted Ring Pull-ups) (Box Push-ups)

Banded Pushdowns with an underhand grip

0/3 x 12-15. Rest 60s.

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