WOD: Friday 210730
- Strength: Building off of our dynamic effort progression from last week, we are Back Squatting and Power Cleaning again. On the Squat, Screw your feet into the floor, and keep the arches of the feet elevated so that we can make sure the glutes are being engaged effectively. For the Power Clean, focus on flashing your elbows all the way through, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder.
- Metcon: Finishing with a kettlebell complex. Goal is to accumulate max reps in 10 mins on each side. Complete all reps on one side before switching. 1 rep = all reps done on one side. Try to not set the KB down once you have picked it up. Choose your weight today.
3 x 3 @5% heavier than last week, every 60-90s.
- slight pause at the bottom of each rep
- these are speed reps
- perform 4 warm-up sets
3 x 3 @5% heavier than last week, every 60-90s.
- perform 3-4 warm-up sets
- L1: Hang Muscle Clean 4 x 6 or 4 x 12 + 8 Russian KBS + Goblet Squat. Two warm-up sets
F) FINISHER: Kettlebell Complex, 10 Min for Max Reps Each Side
Starting on the left side:
5 x Single Arm Kettlebell Deadlift (left).
5 x Single Arm KB Swing.
5 x Single Arm KB Push Press.
5 x Single Arm KB Front Rack Reverse Lunge.
1 complex = 1 rep.
Repeat on the right side.
3 x each side