WOD: Saturday 210731

Glad to have you and your hair back in the gym again Jordan!

Glad to have you and your hair back in the gym again Jordan!


- Metcon: For today our conditioning work is against a 28 min clock, starting with a 5K row, then an AMRAP of Power Snatch, Burpee Box Jumps and Farmers Carry. Split all work evenly with your partner. Don't press-out on the Power Snatch, we want to make this movement more of an explosive hip drive and catch instead of more of a shoulder press. Try to keep your knuckles facing front as long as possible so you can't get your palm under the bar to press out the lift.


With 28:00 on the clock:
5k Row
Remaining time max rounds of:
50 Double Unders
20 Dumbbell Power Snatch (50/30)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
- Goal: Challenging effort. Split work however desired. Score = total rounds.

L2: (75/55)
L1: (Single Unders or Penguin Taps) (No Push-up Burpees)


5 Minute Bike + 5 minute Jog at a conversational pace.

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