WOD: Friday 210806
It has been great seeing you in the gym consistently Jenna. I hope you and Kyrstan are still enjoying your summer with us!
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Strict Chin-ups and DB Floor Press are on the menu today. Plenty of different options for different ability levels. We're looking for around 5-8 sets total here so don't go crazy on the weight for the Floor Press especially if you know your Chin-ups are going to take more sets.
- Metcon: Our conditioning couplet today is 3 rounds of a Hang Power Cleans and a Run. The barbell weight should be on the lighter side so that you can finish in max 2 sets for each round. On the Hang Power Cleans, focus on flashing your elbows all the way through, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder.
A1) Strict Chin-ups
5 x 5. Rest 45s.
- sets of 5 should be hard so add weight if needed or perform at bodyweight OR partner assisted.
Rx+: (Side to Side Chin-ups)
A2) DB Floor Press
5 x 8-10. Rest 45s.
3 Rounds for time:
21 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
400 Meter Run
Rest 60s
- Goal: Challenging Effort. The 60s is merely to allow you to catch your breath and not necessarily push the pace. HPC should be completed in max 2 sets.
Rx+: (400 Meter Ski)
L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (DBs 30/20) (DB Hang Power Clean)
Upper-back Triset
3 x 8-10 each position.