WOD: Thursday 210805
You’ve had a busy summer, but we’re always happy to see you at the gym Amber!
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Today's Front Squat work is focusing on speed and rate of force production to build all aspects of the strength curve. Percentages based off your number from Monday, but if your watt output on the bike was low during the warm-up then drop your % for today's work. We'll hit some RDLs next focusing on a strong posterior shift, and not exceeding the active range of motion.
- Metcon: Descending reps of Goblet Reverse Lunges and KBS. Pick a weight that allows you to complete the whole set without stopping. This should be a tough effort
Front Squats
3 x 5 @70% of Monday, every 90s.
- Goal: Max speed on each rep
- Take 3 sets to build in weight
3 x 10-12 Rest 90s.
- perfect slow & controlled reps with a moderate load.
- Take 2-3 sets to build in weight
For time:
Goblet Reverse Lunges total (70/53)
Russian Swings
- Goal: Tough effort - only rest between movements not during sets today.
L3: (62/44)
L2: (53/35)
L1: (26/20) (Goblet Split Squat)
TIME CAP = 8:00
Single Leg Glute Hip Thrust
3 x 12-15 each. Rest 60s.