WOD: Friday 211008
Don’t let Brandi’s face fool you. She really likes Front Squats.
Coaching Notes:
During this cycle on Friday's we will be working in workouts that are a developed to feel like tester workouts or benchmark workouts. We want to develop better strategies to tackle these style workouts and attack them with a little more intensity than some other days during the week. Today we start off with a paused front squat and then get into Wall Balls and Toe to Bar. 20 Reps is challenging for most on toe to bar, so understanding yourself and where you break down will be paramount. These type of workouts will give us great insight into other similar workouts that will come up in the open come February and March.
Scaling Mods:
Today, lets scale the squats to a box squat or step-up depending on what the issue is for athletes. This being either knee issues or back issues that could possibly be helped by adding in these movements to still develop strength while limiting discomfort.
For the conditioning piece, lightening the load on the wall balls and going to knee to elblows, strict knee raises, or alternating toe to bar would be the way to ensure this workout maintains the intended stimulus.
Paused Front Squat
Every 3:00, 5 Sets
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 3: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 4: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 5: 4 Reps @ 80%
*Complete a :03 Pause on the first rep of each set
3 Rounds for Time
20 Toe to Bar
30 Wall Balls 20/14#, 9/6kg
Time Cap: 12:00
3 Sets
8/8 Dual KB Front Rack Step-Ups 24/20''
5 High Box Jumps
-Max Wall Sit
Load and Height: Choice