WOD: Saturday 211009
How do you make burpees worse Kayla? That’s right, make them synchronized burpees.
Coaching Notes:
We are starting off the day with a little freestanding handstand practice. This is always a really fun day for the gym as people get to work in pairs or practice a new variation or skill they have not tried yet. This is where we can get those new wins and make small steps forward to getting a skill you may not have yet.
For the workout of the day, we are tackling a workout that is intended to make sure that athletes are working consistently the entire time. Normally on saturdays we create and interval focus with one partner working and the other resting, but today it is all about managing that fatigue and working together.
Scaling Mods:
Scaling for HS Holds is very simple. Find a strong progression that is challenging, yet doable for athletes and have them work there. For the workout today, we need to focus on maintaining quality positions on the KBS and Handstand Push-ups in order to keep the back healthy. Subbing Russian KBS and lightening the load is appropriate here and for Handstand Push-Ups going to strict handstand pushups with double abmats or going to dual db z press is the best scaling modification for the day.
Freestanding HS Practice
3-5 Sets x :20-:30sec HS Hold
-20-:30sec Hollow Rock b/s
Completed within a 10:00 Window
Option #1: Freestanding
Option #2: Freestanding Practice Block Drill or Band Drill
Option #3: Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Option #4: Box Handstand Hold
Option #1: Freestanding
Option #2: Freestanding Practice Block Drill or Band Drill
Option #3: Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Option #4: Piked Box HS Hold
Get Over Here
For Time
50 Synchro Burpee to Plate
100 Double Unders (Both complete 100 working at same time)
50 Synchro KBS 70/53#, 32/24kg
100 Double Unders (Both complete 100 working at same time)
50 Synchro Handstand Push-ups
Time Cap: 17:00
3 Sets
12-15 Weighted Hip Extensions
10 Deficit Double KB RDLs 4"
12-15 Ring Hamstring Curls
1:00 Weighted Plank
Load: Choice