WOD: Friday 211217

Consistency is key, and Tony is a face you will consistently see at the 11am class. Keep up all your hard work Tony!

Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:

-Thrusters: Keep elbows up, eyes forward, and good balance through the entire foot. The thrusters today should be rhythmic and smooth with emphasis on staying in control and breathing during the movement.

-Chest-to-bar: Work on keeping tension through the shoulders and lats. The best cue to get people to their first chest-to-bar pull-up is to pinch their shoulder blades as they come to the bar.

-Bar Facing Burpees: Stay low and close to the bar and remember to breathe.

Scaling Considerations:

-We have a lot going into scaling today as this is a pretty high level workout. We want to consider issues with the thruster. We need to consider the squat, the front rack, and the finish position overhead. In most cases, lightening the load will help, in others, going to dumbbells should be the way to go. If we need to limit shoulders lets go to air squats, if we need to limit the hips and knees let's go to a push press variation. We can either add reps or load here depending on the athlete.

-For the handstand push-up we want to see the box variation first and then if needed we can go to a tall kneeling strict press.

-For the chest-to-bar, let's go to chin over bar, then banded strict pull-ups, then jumping chest-to-bar, then finally jumping pull-ups. We want to keep a similar stimulus so that is the go-to.

Gymnastics - Level 1

As many reps as possible in 2 mins of: Piked Box Handstand Push-up

Gymnastics - Level 2

As many reps as possible in 2 mins of: Kipping Handstand Push-up

Gymnastics - Level 3

As many reps as possible in 2 mins of: Strict Handstand Push-up

"The Recipe”

5 rounds for time of:

18/15 Row Calories

15 Thrusters, 95/65 lbs

12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

9 Lateral Burpees Over Rower

Time domain: 15-22 mins

Time cap: 25 mins

Optional - Friday Finisher:

For quality:

50 Overhead Squats, 45/35 lbs

50 Z Press, 45/35 lbs

50 Bicep Curls, 45/35 lbs

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