WOD: Saturday 211218

A happy belated birthday to the one and only Ramsey!

Points of Performance & Coaching Cues:

-Power Cleans: Work on hitting the exact landing stance you will end up squat cleaning in. Athletes tend to land too wide in the power clean when they should just focus on landing deeper.

-Squat Clean: Keep the bar close and keep extending as you pull yourself under the bar. Drive the elbows up and through the bar to lead you out of the hole.

-Deadlifts: Hips should be higher than in the cleans today and we should look to drive the knees back while keeping hips and shoulders rising at the same time.

Scaling Considerations:

-For the cleans today, we want to work from the top down and really reinforce the position at the hip (high hang). Make sure we are reaching full hip extension and finishing the pull. So if need be, have athletes stay light and hit 3-5 reps from the high hang or the hang position at the top of the knee.

-As we progress let’s work on catching in a good power position, then stand, then go into a front squat position with a pause. This will reinforce quality positions for the athlete and develop a better clean later on down the line.

-For the conditioning piece we need to consider the scale for the deadlifts and box jumps. For deadlifts let's go to hex bar, then sumo deadlift, then Romanian deadlift as modifications to develop the deadlift. For box jumps let’s just move to step-ups as the necessary modification.

Weightlifting A

Every 1:15 for 12:30: Power Cleans and Squat Cleans.

Start at 60-70% 1RM power clean and increase to a heavy set of the complex.

Weightlifting B

Every 1 min for 5 mins: Squat Clean

1 Squat Clean, pick load

Start at your heavy complex weight from above and either go for a max or stay at a heavy load for 5 singles.

“Game Over”

Partner A: max rep Bike Calories Partner

B: 10 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs + 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 in

Partners switch when 1 round of 10 deadlifts + 15 box jumps is completed.


3 rounds for quality of:

8 L/8 R Weighted Pistol Step Downs, pick load

8 L/8 R Single Leg Hip Extensions

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