WOD: Friday 230414

Ain’t you so glad it’s Murph season yet?

• Daily Focus

We are tackling a little murph prep today that should bring us in range of about 50-75% of the total volume of Murph. The rest periods and style of the workout should allow for consistency across the workout with the idea of hitting big sets at the beginning and then breaking down the sets into smaller pieces as the workout goes on. For each run period we are expecting the runs to be in the 7-8 min/mile range or 4:25-5 min/km. This will allow for about 4 mins of work on the 20-40-60, then 4 mins of work on the 10-20-30, and finally 2+ mins of work on the 5-10-15.

metcon: "Cat in the Hat"

In 12 mins do:

Run, 1 mi, then in the remaining time:


20 Pull-ups

40 Push-ups

60 Air Squats

-- Rest 2 mins --

In 8 mins do:

Run, 800 m then in the remaining time:


10 Pull-ups

20 Push-ups

30 Air Squats

-- Rest 2 mins --

In 4 mins do:

Run, 400 m, then in the remaining time:


5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats


3 rounds for quality of:

10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load

15 Dumbbell Hammer Curls, pick load

10 Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls, pick load

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