WOD: Thursday 230413

Shameless plug: you still have time to sign up for the weightlifting meet April, 29th.

• Daily Focus

The focus today is on the handstand walk. This will be the primary emphasis, so we are looking to spend a good amount of time teaching and going through progressions to help athletes feel more comfortable on our hands. Find some drills, work through progressions, and get athletes to have fun today. Before moving into the workout make sure we really dial in our deadlift technique as the hinge pattern plus lumbar extension that tends to happen in handstand walking will pack a punch for the erectors.

metcon: "Fox in Socks"

4 rounds, each round for time, of:

Handstand Walk, 50 ft

25/18 Assault Bike Calories

15 Deadlifts, 225/155 lbs Go every 4 mins.


4 rounds for quality of:

4 L/4 R Turkish Get-ups, pick load

8 Strict Toes-to-bars

Hand Over Hand Sled Pull, pick load, 100 ft

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