WOD: Friday 230512

Murph prep strikes again!

• Daily Focus

Today, the focus is Murph prep and tackling a challenging bodyweight interval workout with the emphasis on keeping the foot on the gas pedal and racing to finish each interval in sub 5 mins. The 2 min rest between intervals should allow for sufficient recovery to come back around and hit the next round with quality. We are looking for athletes to stay as close to unbroken as possible, monitor scaling and go over the different levels so athletes have a good understanding of how best to tackle the workout and meet the intended stimulus.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence.

-Run Machine Subs:

200 m =

15/12 Row/Ski Erg/Bike Erg Calories

13/9 Echo Bike Calories

14/11 Assault Bike Calories

20/16 Airdyne Calories

Push-ups: Band assisted push-ups is the scale of choice today to allow for more consistency in position on the push-up.

Pull-ups: Full extension at the bottom of each rep and chin over bar at the top of each rep. Focus on being rhythmic and relaxed throughout. We are looking for strict banded pull-ups or toenail spot pull-ups today as the primary sub or even for level 1 to move to jumping pull-ups.

Air Squats: Hip crease below parallel and show full hip extension at the top of each rep. Scale to a bodyweight box squat or squat to a med ball in order to ensure correct mechanics and limit bottoming out.

metcon: "House of the Rising Sun"

4 rounds, each round for time, of:

Run, 200 m

10 Pull-ups

15 Push-ups

40 Air Squats

15 Push-ups

10 Pull-ups

Run, 200 m

Rest 2 mins between each round.

Time domain: 4-6 mins per round

Time cap: 7 mins per round

Total time domain: 25-34 mins

Total time cap: 34 mins


5 rounds for quality of:

Side Plank Hold, L 20 secs/R 20 secs

10 L/10 R Half Kneeling Paloff Press + Rotations

Forearm Plank Hold, 40 secs

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