WOD: Thursday 230511
Smile, it’s almost the weekend!
• Daily Focus
We are tackling an upper body focused day with the key points centering around strength and stability. We have also included some handstand hold progressions and an EMOM that allows for practice and skill development of the handstand hold as well as crossovers. We are starting off the day with the finish of our strict press cycle by ending with a 3RM today. We are building up to the heavy and then hitting drop sets in here to work on some extra volume at those higher percentages with the ability to do so with better form as the loads are decreasing. Spend some time after the strict press going over handstand holds, crossovers, and the ring L-sit before tackling the EMOM today.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
Handstand Hold: Press through the floor and lockout the arms. We are looking to see athletes press and brace through the movement. Tuck the pelvis to create a strong tight position on the wall. Feet on a box pike handstand hold, or tall plank hold as a good modification.
Farmers Carry: Belly tight, kettlebells at the sides and chest tall.
Crossover Singles: One rep is counted when the rope passes under the feet so the arms will be crossed in front for the first rep then the second rep is credited when the rope comes back under feet as arms move out wide and open up again.
Ring L-Sit: Jump up to support on the rings and then pull legs out to an L creating a 90 degree shape with the legs to the torso. Keep pressing through the rings to keep elbows locked out. We can move to a tuck L-sit or move to the floor for a seated pike up hold or parallette L-sit if needed.
Strict Press 3-3-4-5
Complete as- Build to a 3RM for the day in 10 mins.
-- then --
In 6 mins do:
3 Strict Press, 92% 3RM (from above)
4 Strict Press, 87% 3RM (from above)
5 Strict Press, 85% 3RM (from above)
metcon: "Purple Haze"
Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:
Farmers Carry, pick load, 100 ft
Freestanding Handstand Hold, 25 secs
Max rep Crossovers Ring L-Sit, 15 secs
4 rounds for quality of:
8 Cuban Rotations, pick load
10 Chest Supported Trap-3 Raises, pick load
15 Chest Supported Dumbbell Reverse Flies, pick load