WOD: Friday 230526
End the week with some Snatches. Not a bad week.
• Daily Focus
We are hitting a repeat workout (well almost a repeat) from September 20th, 2021, so more than a year and a half ago, so this will be a fun one for those PRVN Gyms that have been with us for the long haul. We like this one because it is cyclical with limited reps to allow for quick transitions and steady state movement throughout. Look back at your old scores and get an idea for the pace and style of the workout. We subbed out bar facing burpees for the bike, which will create a little more interference, however the time domain is roughly the same. For those first testing it the goal today is unbroken bar muscle-ups, quick singles on the bar, and steady through the burpees.
We will however prime the system today with a fun weightlifting piece with the emphasis more on technique than going heavy. We want to work on the aggressive extension through the barbell on the power snatch, the fast punch into the overhead position on the snatch balance, and then combine that into a quality full snatch to finish off each set.
• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications
-Bar Muscle-up: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hips to get to the bar rather than a pull with the arms. Too many people focus on pulling when they should think about the body mechanics and actually pressing themselves away from the bar then over the bar by pressing down. We have multiple options we can scale to today. We can do the banded bar muscle-up, box bar muscle-up, low bar banded bar muscle-up, or burpee pull-up for scaling today.
-Snatch: Chest up and eyes forward at the set-up, stay patient on the first pull off the floor and then accelerate through the hips before catching with a firm punch. As much as it may seem counterintuitive, staying over the bar longer will allow the athlete to get the bar back to the hip contact point better.
–Scale: For the Snatch today we can lower the weight, go to the hang position and just work on really quality positions. If the athlete has some issues with the barbell, we can move to an American kettlebell swings or Alternating dumbbell Snatch.
[ 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance ] 1-1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1, using heaviest weight per set
Complete as- Every 2 mins for 12 mins do: 1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance Rest 20 secs 1 Squat Snatch Starting loads at 60% 1RM power snatch and increasing to around 75-80% 1RM over the course of 6 sets.
metcon: "Bit by a Dead Bee v2"
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
3 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Squat Snatches, 135/95 lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
10 V-ups Hollow Hold, 20 secs
10 Tall Plank Knees-to-elbows
Forearm Plank Hold, 40 secs