WOD: Saturday 230527

Have a great weekend!

• Daily Focus

Today, the goal is building that community vibe with the goal of starting things off with a fun warm-up game. Watch the video brief here when it is linked so you can have a better understanding of how this will roll. We will then get into a fun variant of the CrossFit Games Semifinals workout, event 1. We will be working in teams of 3 and for most of the workout will have two people working while one rests. For the rope climbs it is meant to just be split up evenly and chipped away at. This should accommodate bigger class sizes with ropes. Also, we can start on a delay in order to have an even better spread of teams on the ropes.

If we don't have ropes today we are going to scale to supine grip inverted rows to get another range of motion for the pull today rather than overloading the pull-up going into Murph on Monday.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Rope Climb: Focus on making the first jump high up the rope and cut the rope as close to the hands as possible. Then work on the descent by letting the rope slide fast between the feet and hands lightly on the rope. We can sub out pull to stands or single arm supine grip ring rows for the rope climbs today. Also if you don’t have enough ropes we can do 4 strict chin-ups per rope climb as a scale.

-Machines: Look to sub out a machine or monostructural variant that falls within the same time domain in order to keep the stimulus of the workout.

-Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Hold: Work on a quality set-up and clean to the shoulders, then keep everything tight and engaged with a quality rack position and the knuckles touching at the collar bone.

metcon: "E1 Mix-up"

Teams of 3, for time:

Echo Bike, 3000 m

Partner Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, 53/35 lbs

-- then --

15 Rope Climbs

-- then --

Row, 2000 m

Partner Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, 53/35 lbs

-- then --

12 Rope Climbs

-- then --

Ski Erg, 1000 m

Partner Kettlebell Front Rack Hold, 53/35 lbs

-- then --

9 Rope Climbs

Time domain; 22-30 mins

Time cap: 35 mins


3 rounds of:

Max effort Supinated Chin Over Bar Hold

Rest 30 secs

Max rep Barbell Rows, 95/65 lbs

Rest 30 secs

Max rep Dumbbell Hammer Curls, 25/15 lbs Rest 2 mins

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