WOD: Friday 230811

You made it through the week, congrats! You’re reward? Deadlifts.

• Coaching Notes

Today, we are focused on the barbell! Today, we will be working up to a 1RM Back Squat with the goal of hitting a new 1 rep max to end the cycle. Note that on Monday we will be starting off our new cycle with the PRVN Total, which will test our 5RM, so this should provide a good number that athletes can then use to predict their 5RM on Monday. The ideal way to make our jumps today on the Back Squat would be to hit 5 Reps at 60%, 3 Reps at 70%, 3 Reps at 75%, then singles from 80% on up with the goal of making your final jump from 95-97% to 102%. We then move into a 3RM on our Deadlift. The goal here for most is to try to match their previous 1RM for 3 Reps. We believe this is in the cards for a lot of our athletes, but we also don’t want anyone pushing past their limits on a Deadlift as the risk to reward here is too big. Focus on having athletes lift with quality mechanics, good speed on the barbell and a correct descent into the next rep. If we develop a strong Deadlift with good positions we develop a strong bulletproof back. But, again that is “if we maintain quality positions."


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Thruster: We want to see the barbell on a good front rack position with the elbows out and in front of the bar. Work to keep vertical out of the squat and drive forcefully through the ground to create a strong vertical drive on the bar. We can move to Dumbbell thrusters or lighten the load today to work on better form and maintain a high cycle rate.

-Sumo Deadlift High-pull: Keep the bar close and chest tall. Bar should stay close and we want to see the hips extend before the arms bend. The rep is finished when the barbell is above the nipple line and below the collarbone line. We can sub out a Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-pull like we did in the warm-up or go to two light Dumbbells and use that for the thrusters as well today.

Push Jerk: Set-up in a strong front rack position with full grip on the bar, dip underneath punch with a firm lockout then stand to extension before letting the barbell fall directly back to the front rack as you dip to punch right into the next jerk. Continue this cycle for the duration of the reps. Lets scale to Push Press, then Strict Press, then move to Dual Dumbbell Strict Press. If it really is the range of motion overhead we can move to a half kneeling landmine press or Dumbbell incline press.

-Overhead Squat From the Floor: We can power snatch, squat snatch, or even power clean and then move the barbell to the back rack before jumping the barbell overhead into the overhead squat. Keep pressing on the bar as we go in and out of the hole of the squat. Press through the elbows and elevate the shoulder blades. We can sub overhead squats to an overhead walking lunge or a front squat as the go to alternatives for today.

-Front Squats from the Floor: Start with a good clean set-up position to start the lift. We will then move through a power clean into the front squats or we can squat clean the first rep. Keep the chest tall, belly braced and continually push-up with your elbows through the bar. We will move to dual db front squats or kettlebell goblet squats would be a great sub for the day.

strength part 1: 1rm Back squat

20:00 minutes to Establish 1RM Back Squat

The ideal way to make our jumps today on the Back Squat would be to hit 5 Reps @ 60%, 3 Reps @ 70%, 3 Reps @ 75%, then singles from 80% on up with the goal of making your final jump from 95-97% to 102%.

strength part 2: 3rm deadlift

Establish a 3RM in 15 mins.

strength part 3:

3 rounds for quality of:

12 Ring Hamstring Curls

10 Reverse Nordic Curls

8 Dumbbell Arnold Press, pick load

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