WOD: Saturday 230812

Have a great weekend everyone!

• Coaching Notes

Today, we have a different set-up for a max rep workout, where we have max reps at the beginning and at the end of each segment. The way this will roll is we can have a timer set to 4 mins on/1 min off. We will use from 0:00-1:00 of each interval to accumulate as many partner med ball sit-ups as possible, once the clock hits 1 min we will move onto the run. Athletes will then complete the run and have about 1 min to complete as many rope climbs in the remaining time period as possible. For class management today, the way this is set-up allows you as the coach to start athletes on a 1 min delay to make sure the ropes are free for more athletes to hit this as we will have a round going every 5 mins. This means we can get 4 groups on a delay moving through this one and hopefully allow for the ropes to be free for partners to hit as many as possible when they come in from the run.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Partner Med-Ball Sit-up Toss: Partners will sit across from each other. One partner will be holding the med ball and they will move into an extended position with the med ball overhead. The med ball will tap the floor and then both athletes will come back up to the top of the sit-up where they will pass the ball off to each other and then descend into the next sit-up. If necessary we can just do synchro AbMat sit-ups as a scale for the workout today.

-Partner Run with Med-Ball: Partners will run together. One partner is holding the medicine ball while the other partner runs next to them. You can pass the ball back and forth as many times as you want to complete the run.

-Rope Climb: Focus on making the first jump high-up the rope and cut the rope as close to the hands as possible. Then work on the descent by letting the rope slide fast between the feet and hands lightly on the rope. -Sub out pull to stands or single arm supine grip ring rows for the rope climbs today. Also if you don’t have enough ropes we can do 4 strict chin-ups per rope climb as a scale.

metcon: "The Continental"

5 rounds with a partner, 4 mins each, for max reps of:

Max rep Partner Med Ball Sit-ups, 20/14 lbs, 1 min

Med Ball Run, 20/14 lbs, 400 m

Max reps in remaining time Rope Climbs, 15 f

Rest 1 min between each round.


4 rounds for quality of:

10 Eccentric Single Leg Box Squats

15 GHD Hip Extensions

20 Alternating Bicep Curls, pick load

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