WOD: Friday 230915

Ran out of photos that match the workout, so here’s a cool weightlifting photo instead.

• Coaching Notes

To say that today is a leg day would be an understatement. We are working into a quality leg day with the emphasis being on muscular endurance and stamina. We will start the day off with our Back Squat progression by moving up another 5-10lbs, 3-5kg on the barbell and hitting the 20 reps for the day. We will then make our way into a 2 part chipper with a descending rep scheme that is meant to challenge both leg stamina as well as midline endurance. The goal from our standpoint is to find a pacing strategy that allows for consistent movement and the best overall time on the day.

A note that the warm-up is meant to be quick, to the point and bodyweight oriented in order to give more time to warm-up to our 20 rep back squat progression, and then have the time to talk through the movements of the day and give athletes the full 32:00 minutes to complete it.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Single Arm Suitcase Walking Lunges: Pick up the dumbbell with one arm and hold the weight on one side of your body. Then step with consistent steps at hip to shoulder width and focus on the knees tracking out to engage the glutes. Reduce the load, go to a bodyweight walking lunge, or light alternating step-ups.

-GHD Sit-ups: Work to initiate the sit-up with the hamstrings and fire the hip flexors to create a dynamic sit-up and then relax into the next sit-up to allow the spine to extend more freely. Weighted Sit-ups, V-ups, or Tuck-ups would be ideal scale.

-Goblet Squat: Hands underneath the KB or DB and the elbows out in front of the body. Initiate with the hips back and down while keeping a tall upright torso and braced midline. The ideal scale today would be to reduce the loads or go to Air Squats to keep the intended stimulus.

-Run: Pull off the ground and keep the chest tall with a neutral spine. Create tension by pulling your pelvis under your torso and work to keep a quick cadence. Run Machine Subs / per 200m : 15/12 Cal Row/Ski/Bike Erg, 13/9 Cal Echo Bike, 14/11 Cal Assault Bike, 20/16 Cal Airdyne

-Calorie Echo Bike: Work to keep the body moving forward rather than side to side. Focus on the push/pull with the arms and pressing down through the legs.

-Air Squat: Hip crease below parallel and show full hip extension at the top of each rep. Scale to a Bodyweight Box Squat or Squat to a Medball in order to ensure correct mechanics and limit bottoming out.


Take 8:00 minutes to build to 1x20 reps Suggested % is 70% of 5RM.

metcon: "The Influence"

For time: 0:00-15:00:

Run, 1000 m

Single Arm Dumbbell Suitcase Walking Lunge, 70/50 lbs, 80 ft

66/46 Calorie Assault Bike

40 GHD Sit-ups

20 Goblet Squats, 70/50 lbs

-- Rest 5 mins --


Run, 800 m

60 Air Squats

40 GHD Sit-ups

22/17 Calorie Assault Bike


4 rounds of:

10 Banded Sissy Squat Leg Extensions

10 Pike Overs

Max effort GHD Supine Hold

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