WOD: Saturday 230916

Have a great weekend everyone!

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into a fun workout that is essentially a 24:00 minute AMRAP as we are working our way through 8x3:00 minute AMRAPs with no rest between each. This will create a bit more strategy as you need to decide how hard you are going to tackle that row on the first few rounds so it doesn't blow out your core or pulling strength. The interference will be real here as we are also tackling a tricep heavy movement so expect the lockout to get a bit sketchy toward rounds 6-8.

The goal is to spend some time as a class going over both the bar and the ring muscle-up today as that is the prime component of this workout that will take some scaling and getting into prior to the workout. Hit some key progressions then take athletes to the floor in order to prime them up for cycling the Push Jerk @ that sub moderate load. Goal for the workout today is to have at least 1:00 minute on the rower each round at the finish which means each partner should be able to tackle about 30 seconds worth of max calories.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Ring Muscle-up: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hip to drive toward the rings, then pull the feet back underneath you as we throw the torso on top of the rings. -We can move to banded ring muscle-ups, box transition ring muscle-ups, or move to a strength progression with strict pull-ups + strict dips, or toenail spot pull-ups + pushups.

-Bar Muscle-up: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hips to get to the bar rather than a pull with the arms. Too many people focus on pulling when they should think about the body mechanics and actually pressing themselves away from the bar then over the bar by pressing down. We have multiple options we can scale to today. We can do the banded bar muscle-up, box bar muscle-up, low bar banded bar muscle-up, or burpee pull-up for scaling today.

Push Jerk : Set-up in a strong front rack position with full grip on the bar, dip underneath punch with a firm lockout then stand to extension before letting the barbell fall directly back to the front rack as you dip to punch right into the next jerk. Continue this cycle for the duration of the reps. Lets scale to Push Press, then Strict Press, then move to Dual DB Strict Press. If it really is the range of motion overhead we can move to a half kneeling landmine press or DB incline press.

-Calorie Row: Focus on leg drive through the first half of the pull, then work on the body and arms staying connected through the finish. The chain should stay in a straight chain path throughout the entire drive phase as we finish hard at the sternum. Finishing higher or lower on the body is not ideal and should be worked to be avoided. If needed, scale the row to calorie ski erg or assault bike. If we move to an echo drop the calories by 10%.

metcon: "Canto De Ossanha"

With a partner, 8 rounds, 3 mins each, for max reps of:

10 Muscle-ups

10 Push Jerks, 135/95 lbs

Max reps in remaining time Row Calories


3 rounds for quality of:

10 Behind-the-Neck Strict Press, pick load

10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, pick load

10 Dumbbell Pull Overs, pick load

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