WOD: Friday 230922

• Coaching Notes

We are getting into some Snatch work today to start things off. The goal here is to focus on the Power Snatch with big explosive hips and a vertical drive through the bar while keeping the bar close. We will be working from 7 reps @ 60% all the way to 2 reps @ 85% with the goal of building some consistent mechanics and learning how to get more and more explosive with each % increase. Speed on the barbell should look the same across. We will then have a little time to touch on the scaling modifications and different variations of the workout before getting into a little Kettlebell Snatch, Ring Muscle-up and Kettlebell Squat workout. This is a different style today where we put the onus on the athlete to adjust where the kettlebell sits in order to get a little change to the stimulus each round. For Ring Muscle-ups today we are expecting to talk through the different ways to modify and adjust levels for athletes with the different progressions, but we do not want to go through a full teaching breakdown as we just don't have the time today and that wasn't the emphasis of the workout.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Ring Muscle-up: Work on engaging the lats and having the arch to hollow position create the movement that allows for the hip to drive toward the rings, then pull the feet back underneath you as we throw the torso on top of the rings. -We can move to banded ring muscle-ups, box transition ring muscle-ups, or move to a strength progression with strict pull-ups + strict dips, or toenail spot pull-ups + push-ups.

KB Snatch: The KB Snatch is initiated through the hip, working to extend the KB fast through the midline and then punching firmly and fast overhead in one motion. Position the KB over the midline with a firm locked out position at the elbow. Sub to a DB Hang Snatch or an American KBS.

-Goblet Squat: Hands underneath the KB or DB and the elbows out in front of the body. Initiate with the hips back and down while keeping a tall upright torso and braced midline. The ideal scale today would be to reduce the loads or go to Air Squats to keep the intended stimulus.


Complete sets every 2 mins.

Power Snatch 1x7 at 60% 1RM

Power Snatch 1x6 at 65% 1RM

Power Snatch 1x5 at 70% 1RM

Power Snatch 1x4 at 75% 1RM

Power Snatch 1x3 at 80% 1RM

Power Snatch 1x2 at 85% 1RM

metcon: "Swing Dance"

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:

3 Ring Muscle-ups

3 L/3 R Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Snatches, 53/35 lbs

9 Kettlebell Squats, 53/35 lbs

Goal: 10 rounds

Optional Accessories A:

3 rounds for reps of:

1 set at 50% of max Strict Pull-ups

Optional Accessories B:

2 rounds for quality of:

Top Pull-up Hold, 10 secs

Active Hang, 20 secs

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