WOD: Saturday 230923

Have a great weekend!

• Coaching Notes

As is typical, we have a fun partner workout Saturday in the mix, where we will start off on machines and end on machines. The middle portion is a mixture of pressing and midline work with some different partner centric movements as well as just combined workload for the workout. The big talking points will center around how to correctly scale the Wall Facing Handstand Push-up, but we also want to make sure we tackle what we want to see from the partner core work.

A special note that for the Buy-In and Cash-Out each machine will have one partner on each machine working at the same time, they will then move to the main partner of the workout and then switch machines when going to complete the cash-out.

Have fun with this one and work to complete it in under 25:00 minutes.


• Points of Performance, Coaching Cues, & Scaling Modifications

-Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups: Keep the belly tight and maintain a hollow to neutral midline position as we press through the ground and drive the chest through the shoulders. Hands should be within 8 inches of the wall for the movement to be considered RX. Scale to Seated Dual DB Strict Press or Box Pike Handstand Push-ups.

-Push-ups: Band Assisted Push-ups is the scale of choice today to allow for more consistency in position on the push-up.

-Partner Feet Anchored Med Ball Weighted Sit-ups: the med ball must pass over your head and touch the ground behind your head then come to full sit-up and reach the ball past your toes. Your toes will be anchored by two dumbbells. The ball will pass past the Dumbbells and then the other partner will grab the med ball and perform the same style of sit-up with the ball passing off on every rep.

-Scale: V-ups or AbMat Sit-ups

-Partner Russian Twists: Partners will sit next to each other and then the ball will move from the outside of one partner to the center where the other partner will grab with med ball and then move to the outside of their body before bringing the med ball back to the center and passing it off again. This will continue until all reps are completed.

metcon: "Long Distance Romance"

For time with a partner:

37/26 Bike Calories

40/32 Row Calories

-- then --

100 Partner Anchored Med Ball Sit-ups, 20/14 lbs

50 Wall Facing Handstand Push-ups

100 Partner Med Ball Russian Twists, 20/14 lbs

50 Synchronized Push-ups

-- then --

37/26 Bike Calories

40/32 Row Calories

Goal: 18:00-25:00 minutes

Time Cap: 30:00 minutes


4 rounds for quality of:

10 Straight Arm Plate Raises, pick load

10 L/10 R Dumbbell Powell Raises, pick load

15 Banded Face Pulls

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