WOD: Friday 240802
Best Friday ever. Snatches AND Clean & Jerks?! (also some ring muscle ups but let’s not talk about that)
• Coaching Notes
Today might be my all time favorite CrossFit Games workout. This one is approachable for the masses and difficult for the Elite, which is what makes it so great and so potent. The focus and style today will be to partition this one to allow for the time domain to stay close to what we saw for the CrossFit Games! The initial thought for a good quick flow of this workout would be to tackle it like a 10 round workout with 3 reps on each segment. However for our higher level athletes, we could see starting off with a big unbroken set on the Ring Muscle-Ups before tackling the barbell movements and then chipping back away at the remaining reps on the Muscle-Ups between reps on the Barbell.
The focus today will be on treating this like a test and prepping the system to hit this right. We will want all athletes to go through Ring Muscle-Up progressions and start to get into more work here prior to hitting the workout and then adjusting scaling mods to allow athletes to hit either strict strength gymnastics like Strict Pull-Ups + Strict Dips for the Ring Muscle-Ups or a more modified version with Ring Rows and Push-Ups.
metcon: "The Partitioned Standard"
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerk, 135/95lb
30 Ring Muscle-Up
30 Snatch
*Partition as desired
Time Cap: 20:00
3 Sets, For Quality
10 Deficit Sumo Stance Dual Kettlebell Deadlifts
10 Goblet Loaded Cossack Squats
:35 secondWeighted Sorenson Hold