WOD: Thursday 240801

Repeat after me, “I love Front Squats”.

• Coaching Notes

Today, we are getting into some fun with heavy Front Squats and a challenging couplet of Burpees to Target and Wall Balls. The focus will be on the Squats and you can think about the conditioning piece as an accessory to the Front Squat. Some days the strength takes priority and some days the conditioning takes priority. Today, the Front Squat is the priority, but don't be mistaken, if your athletes have the ability to dig deep here, this conditioning effort will hit hard and produce a valuable dose of leg stamina and conditioning.

strength: front squat

Every 2:30 x 6 Sets

5 Reps @ 75%+

3 Reps @ 80%+

1 Rep @ 90%+

3 Reps @ 80%+

5 Reps @ 75%+

metcon: "Hope and Prayer"

For Time

25 Burpees to Target

50 Wall Balls

25 Burpees to Target

50 Wall Balls

25 Burpees to Target

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg

Burpees to Target: Out of Reach

Time Cap: 15:00


For Quality

3 Sets

8/8 Bulgarian Split Squat

100ft (30m) Dual KB Front Rack Carry

1:00 Wall Sit

WOD Postalex burgyWOD