WOD: Friday 240913
What is better, box jumps or PVC jump overs?
• Coaching Notes
The main focus today is leaning into developing our pull-ups and more specifically going through kipping progressions to help athletes understand how to do them safely and effectively. The biggest key here will be to work on tension through the lats and rhythm in the core as we move from our hollow to arch positions. When we move to chest to bar pull-ups from chin-over pull-ups the main difference here will be retraction of the shoulder blades and learning out to utilize the hips and the pull with a greater emphasis as we pull on the horizontal plane to the bar. Most think about pulling vertically harder, but we really need to get a better drive vertically through the hips in order to pull horizontally into the bar and retract the shoulder blades.
Each set here should be thought of as a nice little sprint with a challenge of a high stick jump over at 30/24''. This will create an added challenge on the land as well as athletes have a greater fall to the floor than just jumping up to the box. Please take this into consideration when thinking about alternatives for the PVC Pipe Stick Jump Over.
metcon: "Glitch"
6 rounds, each round for time, of:
8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 70/50 lbs
10 Pvc Jump Overs, 30/24 in
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Rest 1 min between each round.
Time Cap: 20:00
4 rounds for quality of:
12 Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows, pick load
12 Dumbbell Bicep Curls, pick load
15 Banded Face Pulls