WOD: Thursday 240912

girl barbell overhead press

• Coaching Notes

Today is a focused upper strength and stability workout meant to slow things down a bit and have us focused on intention with our movements. We will hit the Strict Press + Push Press with the emphasis on the Strict Press before heading into a 12:00 EMOM where we are looking to build some upper body stamina and stability with a combo of Push-Ups, Turkish Get-Ups and Sandbag Holds. This will create a solid amount of interference that will definitely play effect into how heavy our athletes can get with the Turkish Get-Up.


Every 2:30 for 10 mins.

1x [ 3 Shoulder Press + 5 Push Press ], pick load

metcon: "Shadows and Whispers"

Every 1 min for 12 mins, alternating between:

20/15 Push-ups

2 Alternating Turkish Get-ups, pick load

Max hold Sandbag Bear Hug Holds, pick load

Rest 1 min


5 rounds for quality of:

Parallette L-Sit Hold, 15 secs

5 L/5 R Single Leg Hip Thrusts, pick load

Rest 30 secs

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