WOD: Friday 250321

woman strict pull ups

Doesn’t if feel great to not have to worry about another Open workout?

• Coaching Notes

Today’s class prioritizes leg strength and midline stability in the Back Squat, followed by a gritty wall ball test in “Little E.” Athletes will need to focus on squat positioning and controlled breathing, ensuring efficient movement mechanics before tackling a strict pull-up EMOM that challenges stamina and muscular endurance in the metcon.

strength: back squats

Set 1: 5 @ 70% 1RM Back Squat

Set 2: 5 @ 70%

Set 3: 5 @ 75%

Set 4: 5 @ 75%

Set 5: 3 @ 80%

Set 6: 1 @ 85-90%

metcon: "Little E"

8 rounds, 1 min each, for max reps of:

6/5 Strict Pull-ups

Max reps in remaining time Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft

Accessories part a:

Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:

7 Narrow Grip Bench Press, pick load

7 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, pick load

Accessories Part B:

5 rounds, 30 secs per station, for max reps of:

Banded Gun Rack Yoyo

Rest 15 secs

Banded Tricep Extension

Rest 15 secs

Rotate immediately to the next station every 30 secs, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.

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