WOD: Monday 210412

I have nothing insightful to add to this already…special…photo.

I have nothing insightful to add to this already…special…photo.


- Strength: We're building to a heavy set of 5 in the Box Squat today. Hips back, sit back, and rock back slightly while keeping your core engaged when you get to the box. Remember doing a Box Squat and Squatting to a box are two different things!
- Metcon: Our conditioning work today will be just as tough as you make it. Grab the heaviest KB you can find and go for one BIG unbroken set to start with. It goes without saying that we should still be prioritizing solid form, hinging the hips, driving through the heels, and snapping the hips to move the KB, only using the arms like straps to hold onto the bell. We'll finish with some Split Squats to round out the session.


4 x 5. Rest 2:00
- parallel box
- build to a heavy 5


100 Russian Kettlebell Swings
- Goal: Complete one large set UB and then break as needed. This should be done with the heaviest weight possible. Goal = sub 5:00

Rx+: (100 reps UB)
Rx: (Sub 3:00)
L3: (Sub 4:00)


2 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.