WOD: Monday 210712

These rope climb action shots looks so cool. You look so cool Kyle.

These rope climb action shots looks so cool. You look so cool Kyle.


- Strength: Today we'll be testing a 1RM in the Push Jerk. Think about jumping and shrugging the bar off your body to get the most power from your hips as possible. Make sure to watch for common mistakes during the dip, lifting the heels (knees should track slightly out), dropping the elbows (they should remain in the same place until the bar starts to leave your shoulders), and dropping so fast that the bar separates from your shoulders.
- Metcon: BP Benchmark "Jones Bones", last tested 4/1. Make sure to scale appropriately, T2B and S2OH should be able to be done in a maximum of two sets each round. Don't spend the whole workout looking at the bar/barbell. Go hard but be able to increase your pace in the last two minutes.


1RM in 6-8 sets. Rest 2:00
- goal: 5# PR
- L1: 4 x 6 Strict Press. Three warm-up sets. Or 4 x 8-10 Single Arm Z-Press. One Warm-up set



10 T2B
10 S20H (135/95)
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row
- Goal: Challenging effort, find a pace that is sustainable for 12:00 and ramp up the intensity during the last two minutes.
*Last tested 4/1

Rx+: (155/105) (21/18 Calorie Assault Bike or Ski Erg in place of Run)
L3: (115/75)
L2: (Straight Leg Raises or Knee Lifts) (95/65 Push Press)
L1: (Weighted V-ups) (DB Push Press, neutral grip)


3 x 20-25. 90s.
- Use an angle that is 'easy'

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