WOD: Saturday 210710

A new face in the gym and member of the Fosdick clan, Kyrstan. If you see her in class, make sure to say hello and introduce yourself. Welcome to the party pal!

A new face in the gym and member of the Fosdick clan, Kyrstan. If you see her in class, make sure to say hello and introduce yourself. Welcome to the party pal!


- Metcon: Our partner conditioning work today is an AMRAP where each partner completes a full round before tagging the other partner in. Look to keep your split times consistent. Focus on flashing your elbows all the way through, actually receiving the weight of the bar on the shoulders, and continue pulling all the way until the bar contacts the shoulder in the Hang Power Clean.


10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
200 Meter Run
- Goal: Challenging Effort. One partner completes a full round while their partner rests. BB loading should be light.

L3: (115/75)
L2: (95/65)
L1: (30/20 DBs) (Up Downs) (100 Meter Run)


2:00 x max reps.
- Goal: 40+ Reps

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