WOD: Monday 210719
Always a pleasure to have you in class Chris! Keep up the hard work!
Whiteboard Brief
- Strength: Back to our superset from two Monday's ago: direct arm work with some grip variations and a Split Stance Landmine Press. The novel pressing angle of the Landmine is of course excellent for building strong healthy shoulders. The Split Stance has more carryover to sport and should enable you to press slightly more.
- Metcon: Switching it up today with some Sled variations for the upper-back/triceps. You can also easily substitute band work here if necessary.
A1) Pronated Grip Chest Supported Rows
4 x 8-10. 3s down 2s hold. Rest 30s.
A2) Split Stance Landmine Press
4 x 6-8 each. Rest 30s.
A3) Prone Lateral Raises, Neutral Grip
4 x 12-15. Rest 60s.
- Goal: Go heavier than you did 2 weeks ago.
Finisher with a parnter:
Use a heavy sled & complete together splitting work in half:
400 Meter Sledpull Facepulls
400 Meter Sledpull Extensions
- Goal: A sick burn in the upper-back/triceps.
*Alternative for Sled:
Still with a partner splitting work -
200 Band Facepull-aparts
200 Band Triceps Push-downs
TIME CAP = 15:00
Ring Rows
3 x 20-25. Rest 90s.
- Use an angle that is 'easy'